Don't Miss This Important Announcement!

Hello Reader, I know It's been a long time you heard from me! I'm sorry!

Sincerely? I had a lot going on for me since the beginning of this year. I got so swamped with work that I couldn't find time to do a lot of the things I love.

I decided to reduce the amount of work I had so I could create time for the things I love. So, here I am.

This time, I want to be committed to you and everything I will be doing. Especially my blog. I wrote a whole blog post about my latest plans for my blog here. You should check it out.

Anyway, in the spirit of commitment, I will be in your inbox every Thursday!


Also, here is what you should expect from my brand from now on!

The Avid Inspire Brand Goals

Here is our new (me and you {dear reader}) motto:

The Avid Inspire – Inspiring you to live to the fullest.

So think about those things that inspire you and will help you to live your life to the fullest! I will be sharing them on my blog.

So, what type of content should you expect from me?

  • Career ( How to get jobs, freelancing, motivation, and other important info)
  • Self-development
  • Goal setting and achievement
  • Of course, Productivity
  • Spiritual growth (Prayer, God’s word, living a Godly life, etc.)
  • Living happy and fulfilled
  • Living a balanced life
  • Motivations, positivity, affirmations, and inspiration.

Also, all these resources and information will be available in Blog posts, articles, eBooks, courses, digital products, downloadables, physical products, videos, podcasts, newsletters, etc.

You can check out my shop from time to time for new updates on sellable products or resources.

I will be starting a Premium Writing Class for those who will love to learn writing or upgrade their writing skills and make money from it. There are many benefits attached, so you should check it out. No matter where you are in the world. Reach out to me by replying this email if you are interested.

Also, I will be holding off productivity coaching for the time being because of how busy the work in my hands will get. However, I will be pouring out my wealth of knowledge and resources into the above-listed content types. Kindly look forward to it.

You can prepare by doing any of this:

Thank you for your love so far. We do more together. Sending all my love. Have a wonderful day!

If you have any recommendations, advice, tips, questions, or anything you’d like me to know concerning all you’ve read. I would like to hear from you. You can reply to this email.

See you next thursday,

Love, Sarah

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Sarah Olaleye

Get access to helpful tips to live a fulfilling life every Thursday! Receive updates on the latest digital products before launch, giveaways, and other exciting opportunities!

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The Avid Inspire Welcome To My Newsletter! If you are seeing this email, you either filled a form for The Avid Planner, bought my Ultimate planning guide, took my productivity coaching session, bought any of my digital products, or subscribed to my newsletter. No matter how you got here, I'm glad to have you here. You are welcome. Founder Hi! My name is Sarah Olaleye. Founder of The Avid Group (Avid Inspire x Avid Planner x Avid Digital Shop), Productivity Coach, and Digital Marketing...